Welcome to Mummy Bear's page of mummy riddles and jokes.
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Q: Why do mummies tell no secrets?
A: Because they keep things under wraps.
Q: Do mummies enjoy being mummies?
Q: Who is the best mummy wrapper in Egypt?
Q: Who belongs to the Pyramid PTA?
Q: What do you call a mummy who eats cookies in bed?
Q: What did the sign in the Egyptian funeral home say?
A: Satisfaction guaranteed or double your MUMMY back!
Q: What do you get if you cross a mummy with a CD?
Q: Who changed King Tut's diapers?
Q: What did the baby pyramid say to the other pyramid?
Q: Why couldn't the mummy answer the phone?
Q: What did King Tut say when he got scared?
Q: What is the name of the Mummy’s rock group?